
mortem is a band from south america. they write violent, evil songs using a collage of metal and punk genres. unlike north american collages, their work doesn't emphasize its collage nature, but underscores its essential similarity. thus it is less styled than north american music and simultaneously, more open to reading by an audience. less subtlety, less subterfuge, just basic music. think of motorhead after a few decades of being locked in a recording studio.

one of their songs contains the masterpiece line "death rules supreme" which i don't believe they meant in the way i interpret it. nonetheless, it has become somewhat of a motto.

for me, death is the default: failure, dying, nothing happening, no change occurring, and no growth occurring are what happens unless some power or will intervenes to cause a change in the design of the process at hand.

when humanity trips itself up with nonexistent issues, and forgets its basic clarity of vision, the result is a tower of babel that generates a great hue 'n' cry but ultimates is so in conflict with itself it produces nothing, and thus collapses, as rome did.

when that happens,

death rules supreme

many humans like to embrace the futility of knowing that death ultimately takes over. for me, that's a clear statement that they have given up on their own lives and should consider granting their space on this planet to something else (preferrably a tree - we've got enough humans, thanks).

to me, it's a way of having a blank slate in life. if i do nothing, death is all i see. if i do something... well, even the sky is not the limit.

where we do not come together with positive, life-affirming, natural goals in mind, the void takes over our chance and we are condemned to repeat our failures, together.

pollution, overpopulation, yuppies, loss of culture, egalitarianism, dumbing down, strip malls, boring functional jobs, promiscuity, suicide, corruption, child molestation, the theft of objects from ancient ruins, land overuse, tract housing, disposable plastic objects, landfill, authority complexes, war of the sexes, indifference, callousness, mediocrity:

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme

death rules supreme.