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Gays of Ecoheaven: New Green Politics On The RiseANUS Establish New Environmental Strategy with Al GoreSeptember 30, 2007
Gore argued that the number one priority today is global warming, which we need to tackle by buying Green light bulbs, Green SUVs, Green hand bags, Green votes and Green condoms. By consuming Green, we consume the ills of the global warming and thereby decrease the threat to our environment. - If you want to save the planet, you don't do this for me, you do it for our planet. This is not a political issue, it's a moral issue. This is beyond democratic votes. We need to do this because it's in our hearts. Today I'm wearing one of my wife's recycable tampons. Not only do they feel great but you can actually engage in your day-to-day sodomy activities - and still let this remarkable tampon suck up all the bloody juice that you'd normally expect your partner to take care of. Being Green is about compassion and love. His speech brought many good laughs from our audience, that very well knew what he was talking about. At the end of the conference, one of our ANUS members entered the studio to record a new pro-Green single together with Mr. Gore. We're proud to present to you today the new hit song called "Gays of Ecoheaven." We expect it to top the hit charts within weeks and hope that all supporters reading this, will run to their local record store and get themselves a copy of this masterpiece. Do like ANUS and Al Gore, go Green, consume the planet to save it! Download: Gays of Ecoheaven Lyrics There was a warm day, polar water at my ankles guilt free go through pc reforms gay love our answer, though hot air hung thick About ANUS The American Nihilist Underground Society advocates nihilism, or a removal of interpretive layers from our perception of physical reality, as a means of transcending illusion. Nihilism denies value and purpose, which are byproducts of the human desire to judge reality and make a consensual "social reality" that by seizing on a single material factor misses the intelligible, or design-based, knowledge we need to adapt to reality. ANUS has been promoting nihilism since 1987. About Nihilism Nihilism is the belief that nothing we perceive has Absolute value; reality exists, but beyond its inherent meaning to us as the physical container of our existence, it has no significance outside of what we perceive. "The world is my representation," indeed. When we strip away all of the values projected onto physical reality and its outcomes, we are left only with personal ideal and natural ideal, and bringing the former into adaptation with the latter is the lifetime task to which nihilism is a gateway. |