Wat's Extenders in Detail By of Course Jack the Ripper The Knights of Shadow The 202 Alliance The origin of Wat's Extenders well before you or I were born salesman used to use the company's calling card. Now this proved expensive, and since most company's had INWATS and OUTWATS Extenders (Read my other file) someone came up with the bright idea to combine the two, thus giving us the Wat's Extender. So now representatives call the INWATS 800 number, and then are hooked up to the OUTWATS 800 number. Now they had a problem since other people saw it unfair (US), and because of our abuse of their systems they put in codes. The classic extender one would call up and dial XXXX then 8 or 9 to hook them up to the outwats. XXXX being a four digit code to ensure safety and prevent illicit use. Almost everyone now has heard of Charlie? No, not my dog, but a famous computer. Charlie would dial the 800 number try a different code every second. This was great, but posed a problem since every 800 number you dial is recorded. This showed up that you called Bmx Industries Extender 9,999 times for 1 second. So this became idle, but as for the modern Wat's Extender they now are more complex with between 4 and 9 digit codes and some are voice activated (Travel-Net). Using a Wat's Extender is also a punishable crime termed Theft of Communications Services, and this is not a pretty sight! Also with the advent of technology all calls on the OUTWATS line are recorded. Now for free telecommunicational services or quite simply ripping the FUCK out of the phone company there are many many alternatives. Seeing that if a Wat's Extender is thourghly abused that AT&T is more than happy to investigate! For those of you intent on abusing them here are a few 800 numbers and digit lengths to get you started. Number Code Length -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1-800-521-8400 8 digits 543-7168 8 digits 456-0000 8 digits 682-4000 6 digits 321-0845 6 digits 327-6713 4 digits 227-3414 4 digits 343-1844 4 digits 523-7248 4 digits 221-8190 4 digits 843-0698 9 digits (Yes 9 digits) Take it easy and remember the ripper's immortal words "DISCLAIMER I HAVE NEVER PERSONNALLY ABUSED OR EVEN USED THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM TO ILLEGAL OR ILLICIT DESIGNS AND PERSONALLY HIGHLY FROWN UPON IT" For what it's Fucking worth!!! Ha Ha Ha later... Jack the Ripper The Knights of Shadow The 202 Alliance