
American Nihilist Underground Society

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Letters: Between the Extremes

Being an activist, working daily with other people to try to change the current direction of society, is a hard and pressing task. Not only because it requires most of your free time and energy, but perhaps hardest concerning keeping the spirit alive. Some people will always be die-hard idealists, not flinching one second to do what they see as necessary. But for most individuals today, idealism is dead. People don't believe in ideals anymore, even less are they willing to work for a seemingly abstract goal - the remaking of modern society - if it doesn't offer them an immediate material gratification.

Herein lies the problem today of the entire Western civilization: we have forgot how to work together in unity for a goal and instead use our political power to satisfy ourselves, while the reality outside of our industries, offices and banks, only becomes bleaker and harsher. The American Nihilist Underground Society is an uncompromising movement, founded to educate and gather all intelligent Nietzscheans and Steppenwolfs under a single philosophy: Nihilism, as a gateway to transcendental idealism.


- Alex

i would really appreciate any of you scum replying to this with an attempt at an intelligent response.

I am a skinhead and have been for some time, this is important to remember while reading this and certainly while responding to it. I have recently read your article on white power groups and would really enjoy knowing the ass hole from which that was produced, and truly why one would post such devious and misdirected opinions as if they were facts. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but all the ridiculous ideas of all the problems that would still exist "if the white race were gone tomarrow", those are the problems that Adolf Hitler was working tword eliminating and those who are able to rise above the Jewish smoke and mirrors can see the stupidity in anti-EVERYTHING can hope to acheive a greater calling, without the blatant stupidity and above all hypocrisy of nihlist and anarchist movements. You all hate the goverment so much, 'stop bitching and start a revolution!' your comparison of the white power organizations to the black power groups of ANY generation is as asinine as the idea of an anarchist or nihlist movement accomplishing anything above pandering and suckling at the teat of governmental aid. THEY win when YOU use any and every public, tax-funded service, park, gathering place, or likewise. every time you pay sales tax you are sucking government cock. Get over yourself, Get a job and Get a fuckin life.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 5:15 PM from aryan_prince7685@xxx.xxx

First of all, we're not into hating anything. Instead we believe that the design of the current society is broken and CORRUPT. This is one of the reasons to why we attack White Nationalism; hunting down enemies will get us nowhere. We're certainly not planning a revolution either, since that means the mass will take power again, which we believe is a failure.

We want to establish nationalist states, world wide. This is really what every race is fighting for: independence. Even the Jews want this. That's why we don't hate Jews, or any people, but want to inform about the problems with multiculturalism, and the benefits of mututal nationalism.

White Power movements have a lot of other problems, such as bad leadership, lack of quality control, bigoted progaganda, and are often more ultra-conservative than actually supporting traditional National Socialism.

I hope this somewhat answers your email in a suitable manner.

Hi. I would just like to point out something that I think some of you greater thinkers might have not quite considered. If I am wrong, then explain to me that I am wrong.

Intelligence is one thing. I.Q. is another. Autonomy is another. I would like to focus on the third one. Autonomy needs nothing else besides itself to function. There are many average minds who lack this third quality; but there are also a lot who do possess this quality. What I'm saying is, for people like me who have a 95 I.Q. and would rather "live by the sword and die by the sword" then "live by anti-depressants and die by anti- depressants", there is a sense of pride and nobility here, and we would love to honor this pride and nobility.

Every chess player needs his pawns. we do not mind being the pawns if need to be. "On War and Warriors" by Nietzsche pretty much sums up what I'm trying to convey here. Some of us have so much autonomy that we cannot help but smell the rot, but we do not want to stand back and rot with it! We want to fight. There are many of us who want to fight because we are noble enough to know that that is all we can do, and that fighting is a beautiful thing. Think about that.

The Insane individual vs. the Insane society.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:11 PM from willkoz@xxx.xxx

The problem with armed revolutions is that they never achieve any actual change, since the masses always look for the same basic pleasures that sustain their personal lifestyle. Look at Soviet Russia. Look at the French revolution. They failed because their ideals were equal to that of which they actually despised: greed and selfishness.

I believe we need a grassroot reformation, by organizing all intelligent leaders out there and channelling (to paraphrase Vikernes) the power of souls into a new God. That God will be a replacement for the current modern society. When and if war comes, we'll be ready, but for now, we intend to reach out to those people who are still awake and ready to fight for our planet. If you are one of them, you know whom to contact.

I am a final year university student in Ankara, Turkey. I study International Relations.
I have known ANUS for over five years now. I adore nihilism.
I am writing you this e-mail to recommend you a book. You probably know it already, and I would like to see at least something about it on your website. It is named "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan TURGENEV. The character named Bazarov amazes me so much.
Anyways, keep doing the awesome job guys.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:38 PM from ozzytoprak@xxx.xxx

I haven't read that book, but by the look of it, it's part of the wave of Russian nihilism that was common during the "realist period" in literature history (along with Dostojevskij), where traditions and conventions were broken down and given a voice of emptiness. I will eventually have to check this out, even though I'm a bit put off by some of the Russian classical music. Thanks for reading our site!

first off i would like to thank you for putting a little bit of meaning into my life, i listen to radio NIHIL every week. I would like to know your take on the Bilderberg group aswell as people like Alex Jones.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:10 PM from oxygenman1@xxx.xxx

I've only briefly read up on the Bilderberg group and Alex Jones, but my take on it is this: conspiracy theories move the attention away from the actual problem, in this case a global economical system that lacks any higher value than the Profit, to a particular group such as rich companies, Jews, Freeemasons etc.

Bilderberg might have a plan to expand the globalist system, but the problem is not Bilderberg, the problem is the system in which he's able to make these kind of profits. If we change the system, greedy people like Bilderberg and attention seekers like Alex Jones, will not be able to continue their business practices.

As a regular visitor of your site, I agree with most of your ideologies about our insane modern "civilization" and I must ask you an extremely troubling question about people like myself.

I don't believe in pluralism or multiculturalism, and racial separation where only "one" way of thinking is dominant seems to me the only possible logical path to sanity.

My problem is that my father is an Ashkenazi Jew, while my mother is Slavic.
By the Jewish and Israeli definitions I'm not a Jew.

And even If they would consider me a Jew, I would still despite both sides of Jewish beliefs (blind supernaturalism and valueless materialism)

But I also don't belong within the European nations, because nationalists will reject me as a Jew.

So basically both sides will reject me no matter what I choose.

I want your opinion about people such as myself; what do you think is the solution for us?

Thanks a lot for your time and your contribution to sanity.

Many people are today of mixed heritage. This is not the end of the world. There are basically two solutions to this problem:

  1. People of mixed origin come together and unite under leadership, to establish a new culture
  2. People of mixed origin melt in with either culture

A) is not impossible but B) might be the natural solution in most cases, especially when the genetic makeup is very blended. A small percentage of race mixing is not damaging to the population as a whole, it is rampant multicultural society that really screws things up. Be proud of who you are and find the best solution in your case. Either way, we're glad you enjoy reading our site, and hope that you will continue to do so.

I mean... Seriosly, GET ANOTHER NAME! When I entered this site I thought I was gonna see som real PORN, but NO...! This is some scientist shit that no one cares about, especialy on dude named Hans Grüber. Well, cya and I'm off :) PEACE!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 2:02 AM from nofearboy_areon14@xxx.xxx

You must have been mistaken; we carry lots of democratic interaction on our site. However, we wish to keep it anal, because that is the only way to truly reach heaven. If you cannot stomach the ANUS, you cannot stomach reality. Back to school!

i am your sincere reader since 2005.

ANUS defines Nietzsche as a defender aristocracy and traditionalism. While i completely agree with this description, i have also read some translations of his books and many reviews on Nietzsche in my native language (also i have read them in english). These books and reviews were translated/reviewed by so called "our intellectual academian elite". There is a global tendency in this "elitist" circle to portray Nietzsche as a herald of the individualism and liberalism. For them "the superman" means a person who is over-egoistic, anti-heroic and buys more than any other in a supermarket - a typical consumer type that prevails in our corrupt times (this is a quotation almost:). How this can happen? Is this because the non-religious jews and the extreme lefties/liberals are prevailing in my country's academia right now or should i drop off my "conspiracy-thinking" ? where is a jew - there is a conspiracy, as you all know :)

I wait for your sensible articles on various importants subjects every weak and now i am provoking you to write an article on the correct interpretation of Nietzsche or a small letter for me only! :)

David, your sincere reader since 2005

(sorry for my poor english)

Friday, March 30, 2007 8:48 AM from berzhas@xxx.xxx

We appreciate your writing in, and reading the site. Those of us who work on it do so to provide quality reading for individuals such as yourself.

ANUS defines Nietzsche as a defender aristocracy and traditionalism. While i completely agree with this description, i have also read some translations of his books and many reviews on Nietzsche in my native language (also i have read them in english). These books and reviews were translated/reviewed by so called "our intellectual academian elite". There is a global tendency in this "elitist" circle to portray Nietzsche as a herald of the individualism and liberalism. For them "the superman" means a person who is over-egoistic, anti-heroic and buys more than any other in a supermarket - a typical consumer type that prevails in our corrupt times (this is a quotation almost:). How this can happen?

the question here becomes one of defining individualism. nietzsche's individualism is that of an individual who does not need external sources to define truth (sensu "on truth and lies in a non-moral sense," the best single introduction to nietzscheian thought). it is separate from atomism, or the individualism that makes humankind an icon. this is in turn similar to the romantics, for whom the individual was a thinking perceiving source of transcendent truth, but not a goal in and of itself.

in short, they mis-interpret him for their own ends. they would like to think they are supermen for having more stuff than others. a simple and sad but not unpredictable reason

Is this because the non-religious jews and the extreme lefties/liberals are prevailing in my country's academia right now or should i drop off my "conspiracy-thinking" ? where is a jew - there is a conspiracy, as you all know

judaism is a materialistic religion and an ethnic cult. the first part i find appalling; the second, wise.

I wait for your sensible articles on various importants subjects every weak and now i am provoking you to write an article on the correct interpretation of Nietzsche or a small letter for me only!

thank you for reading and please send us any articles you'd like considered for publication.


V. Prozak

From: Zach Z
To: hexen_666@xxx.xxx
Subject: Lots of questions
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 09:05:35 -0700 (PDT)


I was wondering if you think that there is really a shot in hell at saving the society we live in, whether through light activism or through more extreme measures. Does either really work, in the end?

I do not ask this question out of personal doubt or cowardice, I am simply wondering what your or the Corrupt organizations' thoughts on this are. Actually, I think that even if it's seemingly impossible to save, it's worth trying anyway, and so I support and appreciate your efforts. It's always better to have something to fight for than to merely give in...

Next, what kind of activism would you say is the best? I can see that making shock sites and trolling forums only works to a certain extent. Are more extreme measures necessary? I promote you guys on the net and in real life wherever I can, and recently have been putting up the flyers found on ANUS. I'd be interested in doing a bit more, but don't really know where to start. It's not exactly easy to find other people with similar views outside of the internet.

Also, how long do you think it will be until the thing just collapses in on itself (assuming we can't save a system destined for failure)? Any idea on what we can do to be extra ready for this when it does happen (aside from stocking up on guns and ammo)?

Okay, and finally, is creating art worth it in a time of dysfunction and collapse? I mean, so many artists have already told us of the alienation and despair caused by an existence so far removed from nature and traditional, rational values. Instead of pumping out more kult black metal / harsh noise / emo (ha), maybe we should probably move onto something a little more hopeful...? (...Of course, without forgetting the 'evil' side of life that metal worships.)

Or should we just wait until the whole thing dies down?

And seriously last question: I've seen the use of the word 'eternal' a lot on your site recently. Is anything eternal, literally? Does it matter, or is the word 'eternal' a romanticization of those things in life that we could only (barely) survive without?

Thanks, and keep fighting!

thanks a lot for your inquiries, these are all very good questions indeed. i'll answer them chronologically:

I was wondering if you think that there is really a shot in hell at saving the society we live in, whether through light activism or through more extreme measures. Does either really work, in the end?

yes, there is a possibility. there always is. we don't claim to represent the Absolute solution to our problems, but in our opinion, we can reform modern society into something better, which probably would be classified as "light activism." we appreciate people like the Unabomber and Pentti Linkola, but ultimately, CORRUPT does not want to give up on civilization. we think we can create a modern civilization based on traditional values, that will become a stable replacement for the current insanity that is currently going on out there.

Next, what kind of activism would you say is the best? I can see that making shock sites and trolling forums only works to a certain extent. Are more extreme measures necessary? I promote you guys on the net and in real life wherever I can, and recently have been putting up the flyers found on ANUS. I'd be interested in doing a bit more, but don't really know where to start. It's not exactly easy to find other people with similar views outside of the internet.

we wish to inform all capable leaders in the West, to adopt our world view and reform society from within. we do this both online and offline. offline activism can be rebuilding culture (sponsoring cultural events, promoting community work, composing traditional folk music etc.), trash pick-ups, organizing political parties etc. CORRUPT is right now a media-machine, but will in the future present political candidates and cultural sponsors.

Also, how long do you think it will be until the thing just collapses in on itself (assuming we can't save a system destined for failure)? Any idea on what we can do to be extra ready for this when it does happen (aside from stocking up on guns and ammo)?

no one can say for sure, but ecological reports seem to point to around 2050, when most of the major ecosystems will collapse. this will probably disrupt many civilizations, especially those with scarce food supplies. what you can do to be ready: educate yourself and your community. build up a strong consensus around healthy values and strengthen your people. chaos will always be chaos and no one knows what will happen, but for now, we ought to be prepared to fight back.

Okay, and finally, is creating art worth it in a time of dysfunction and collapse? I mean, so many artists have already told us of the alienation and despair caused by an existence so far removed from nature and traditional, rational values. Instead of pumping out more kult black metal / harsh noise / emo (ha), maybe we should probably move onto something a little more hopeful...? (...Of course, without forgetting the 'evil' side of life that metal worships.)

art is an important part of rebuilding culture. most of the metal today is entertainment and consumist fodder. i believe in neoclassical culture: folk music like Väsen, electronic music like VNV-Nation, neo-metal like Godflesh etc. new classical music could also be composed. of course, it's also important to support and keep alive the past great heroes within european art, like beethoven, brahms, burzum, dead can dance etc.

Or should we just wait until the whole thing dies down?

IMO we shouldn't. fatalism will only lead us to slow suicide and depression. we need to fight back with all of our power and strength. nothing is over until we declare it over. ANUS/CORRUPT is partly that: an inspiration towards education and activism. remaining passive about the situation has never done anything good. if we wish to create a new society, we must act like the people we wish to see take over our future civilization.

And seriously last question: I've seen the use of the word 'eternal' a lot on your site recently. Is anything eternal, literally? Does it matter, or is the word 'eternal' a romanticization of those things in life that we could only (barely) survive without?

life as a process is eternal. this planet might explode within a million years when the sun dies, but a new sun will be born. universe, cosmos; Life, with broad definition, is an eternal function of a system unknown to us. nihilism is the belief in and love to that system, that "mystic force," as beherit would have had it.

you're a bright person with a lot of thoughts on your mind. if i had to give you one suggestion, it is this: don't give up. you're not alone. more and more people are starting to see the depth of our problems, and turn to other alternatives. CORRUPT is one of them, which we hope will grow and impose an influence on society. if you believe in our ideas, don't hesitate to join us.

Hi, short question

What do you think is the best solution for people who find their own culture repulsive? For example, what should a Jew do if he finds the belief in binary good & evil humanistic bullshit childish?


at Wednesday, April 4, 2007 2:20 AM from shunyata87@xxx.xxx

good question. i am an integralist and thus would give you this suggestion: if something is defect, fix it. that goes for anything, even culture. judaism is indeed madness, but if an intelligent person interprets it, it can evolve into a naturalistic belief that transcends the materialism and individualism. work to rebuild a new, healthy culture again, with people who share your vision of a better future.

Hey all. First and foremost, thanks for the great site. Thanks to the Dark Legions Archives, I got into some really great music (Graveland, Ildjarn, Enslaved, etc.) and caught up on my black metal history.

After I read nearly every review and editorial in the metal section, I looked more into some of the articles in the "perspectives" section. Being 16 years old, I really don't know that much about different politial ideologies, except for some post-left anarchist texts I have read. Many of your viewpoints I immediately agreed with (once I got past Vijay's vocabulary, that is), but upon reading about nationalism, my knee-jerk reaction was "That's racism!". After reading more, I realized that nationalism was more about keeping cultures together than keeping races seperate. But I still have my gripes with nationalism, such as:

After how long does a certain nation belong to a certain race? I'm of English-German-Scottish descent, although my ancestors have been living in the United States since the 1600's. In the perfect nationalist world, would they stay in the country, or be forced to leave? Many American blacks have had ancestors in the country for just as long. And the Dutch Afrikaners have been living in South Africa for around the same amount of time. And if all human life started in Africa... I'm really not seeing how the planet, and its people, could be divided up equally and accordingly.

Also, I enjoy listening to some "world music" and eating foods from other parts of the world. In the perfect nationalist world, would I be restricted to listening to music and eating foods of indo-european origin only?

But today I think I saw why nationalists want to do why they want to do. I saw a chinese family in a mini-van, except the woman who was driving was obese, and the kids were pretty pudgy themselves. I saw that they had been completely assimilated by white, middle-class USA. It nearly broke my heart. When I was younger I had a friend who was half-Indian, half-Vietnamese. I always enjoyed going to his house, smelling the incense and the exotic food cooking, looking at the pictures of Hindu gods and goddesses on the walls, and seeing just how differently that they lived from my family. Instead of beds, they slept on futons on the floor, and his parents made a livng by selling exotic jewelry. Everybody treated eachother with the utmost respect. And I realize that I'd hate to see something like that dissppear forever.

I can see now that nationalism is not about getting rid of cultures that you don't like, it's more about preserving all cultures. But I still have so many unanswered questions about the whole thing.

Keep up the good work,

P.S. Use smaller words.

at Thursday, April 5, 2007 1:01 PM from GSHolland@xxx.xxx

hi Graham,

Hey all. First and foremost, thanks for the great site. Thanks to the Dark Legions Archives, I got into some really great music (Graveland, Ildjarn, Enslaved, etc.) and caught up on my black metal history.

we love to hear positive feedback from our readers. we do our best to maintain high quality and educate people in the best of nihilist philosophy and neoclassical culture.

After I read nearly every review and editorial in the metal section, I looked more into some of the articles in the "perspectives" section. Being 16 years old, I really don't know that much about different politial ideologies, except for some post-left anarchist texts I have read. Many of your viewpoints I immediately agreed with (once I got past Vijay's vocabulary, that is), but upon reading about nationalism, my knee-jerk reaction was "That's racism!". After reading more, I realized that nationalism was more about keeping cultures together than keeping races seperate.

your response is a most common one, and one of the reasons to that, is that many so called "nationalists" not really care about race or culture, but join these movements to assimilate within a group and share a dogmatic identity. most people are not interested in hate or small groups that praise bigot thinking, so nationalism is often seen as hate towards other cultures or/and races. of course, this is as far from the truth as you can come, and therefore remains as one of the things we hope to communicate to those who are willing to learn the truth.

After how long does a certain nation belong to a certain race? I'm of English-German-Scottish descent, although my ancestors have been living in the United States since the 1600's. In the perfect nationalist world, would they stay in the country, or be forced to leave? Many American blacks have had ancestors in the country for just as long. And the Dutch Afrikaners have been living in South Africa for around the same amount of time. And if all human life started in Africa... I'm really not seeing how the planet, and its people, could be divided up equally and accordingly.

thanks to european imperialism and modern multiculturalism, many cultures face difficult questions today. the only way to solve this, is by looking at things rationally and avoid static perceptions of how we're supposed to solve our problems. afro-americans have lived in america for a long time now, but most nationalists - both "black" and "white" - would say that africa still is a suitable place, as it will provide the black people the original environment for their cultural background. same goes for european people in africa: it's not their land and they'd do best in moving back home.

regarding your ethnic background, i wouldn't worry too much about it. if you are able to trace your bloodline down to the 1600's, you may consider yourself a true european american. i see no reason to why you would be forced to leave. in a "perfect" nationalist world, nations are formed after culture and race. we can never create a perfect order with nations where all people are "100% pure," thus it shouldn't be the long-term goal of nationalist nations. every culture should have the right to decide whom to integrate and whom to leave out, but the main ideal will remain the same: danes in denmark, africans in africa, "americans" (with broad definition) in america.

Also, I enjoy listening to some "world music" and eating foods from other parts of the world. In the perfect nationalist world, would I be restricted to listening to music and eating foods of indo-european origin only?

this is also a common misunderstanding regarding nationalism, and something that you would call "straw man logic," meaning it's a way of creating a false extreme opposite, of what nationalism really is about. of course you'll be able to listen to any music you like, eat any food you like - take part in any cultural activity you seem fit. however, it will be your individual activity and not something that will be largely promoted. nationalism embraces all cultures around the world, but sees self-preservation as the most important thing to strive for. in other words, you will be able to continue enjoying chinese food and jazz music, although you will be expected to take part in your own culture and help to build it strong and healthy. we like exotic things in life, but as they say, "same kids make the best play."

But today I think I saw why nationalists want to do why they want to do. I saw a chinese family in a mini-van, except the woman who was driving was obese, and the kids were pretty pudgy themselves. I saw that they had been completely assimilated by white, middle-class USA. It nearly broke my heart. When I was younger I had a friend who was half-Indian, half-Vietnamese. I always enjoyed going to his house, smelling the incense and the exotic food cooking, looking at the pictures of Hindu gods and goddesses on the walls, and seeing just how differently that they lived from my family. Instead of beds, they slept on futons on the floor, and his parents made a livng by selling exotic jewelry. Everybody treated eachother with the utmost respect. And I realize that I'd hate to see something like that dissppear forever.

what you saw is the fallacy behind "multiculturalism:" it isn't actual "multi-"culturalist, but monoculturalist. all socities are based on people living together under common values. when new values clash with the old, or other values are integrated into parts of society, it will slowly break down the bonds between the people. most of the past ancient civilizations died this way: lack of consensus.

we will see more of this in the future: people from different cultures integrated into the western materialist society, breeding grey masses without identity. it's the end of all cultures and the birth of a new one: consumerism. only pan-nationalism - that is, nationalism for all cultures and races - can solve this problem.

I can see now that nationalism is not about getting rid of cultures that > you don't like, it's more about preserving all cultures. But I still > have so many unanswered questions about the whole thing.

i can gladly recommend this intelligent source on the topic: www.pan-nationalism.org they have a comprehensive FAQ document that covers common questions about nationalism. check it out!

thanks a lot for your email, i hope i've been able to somewhat answer your questions. don't hesitate to write back if i've been unclear or if you've got something else on your mind.

- and keep reading the ANUS!

I love metal, and I am glad to see that there are some people that consider it more than "just music" or entertainment. I also must say that I was inspired by the Pentti Linkola fellow. I thought I was the only human being on the planet That believed there is too many fucking people, and we need to get rid of some of them, specifically the materialistic morons.

at Wednesday, April 11, 2007 12:31 AM from thesergioram@xxx.xxx

thanks a lot for your positive feedback!

i like the parable of the fat slob: when we eat too much without moving, we become fat. modern society has grown fat. it has created vast industries, world wide public media, international multiculturalism, you name it - but it forgot to take care of its internal health, which is now plagued by political corruption, individualism, and materialism. we're eating ourselves to death, if we don't cut back on the fast food and return to a healthy set of ideals again. that's why we're here :)

I am curious of your views of the growing European Union. Is this what America should be more like with seperate but together, or is this Europe moving towards a cultural mess with a single currency?

at Wednesday, April 11, 2007 2:25 PM from Krieger.Kessler@xxx.xxx

the latter is the correct answer: the EU is a way of moving from cultural diversity and independence, to internationalism, which of course is a good way of centralizing the production and public media even further, and create norms that will appeal to the lowest common denominator (democracy, materialism, capitalism).

it's easy to like the basic idea behind a union such as EU; countries going together and ending silly wars. however, by taking away the political and economical independence of each country, you also lay ground for future wars. the globalization is perfect for the large companies to continue selling out national business and making some quick profits on the way, but for the european workers, it's a horrorfilm come true.

unions used to be a way of securing peace and co-operation. today it's another step towards one large culture, a grey consumering mass, that will kill both culture, economy, and the environment.

this site states so many things that are right but these ideas you all must realize will never take root. to the simpler minds out there the mere ideas that are posted on this site will tear them to peices emotionaly and physicaly.The world will never except this and the day it does is the day of anarchy unless of course the whole of this world is purged of human stupidity. When you realize there truly is nothing in this life then you truly realize that there is no point or merit.

at Thursday, April 12, 2007 3:02 PM from D-cell@xxx.xxx

our take on the whole thing is this:

- modern society is out of control (anarchy)
- we have the possibility to fix it (idealism)
- we will bypass modern values and seek for eternal ones (nihilism)
- if we don't, we're garbage and should die anyway (fatalism)

i understand that many people feel we've crossed the line, but to give up and use "philosophy" to justify passivity, is not only the same as being a coward, but is also not logical; to a nihilist it doesn't matter if we win or lose, since the basic motivation remains: to strive for honesty, truth, and beauty in life.

we will face chaos, as a natural part of the process of Kali Yuga, but this is only a cleaning process. when modern society has broken down, we will rebuild a new society based on the ideas we at ANUS are dedicating our free time to spread and promote. the danger is not chaos, the danger is - with all due respect - people who claim we've already lost. those people represent the essence of the fatalism present in modern society. it's a cancer and something we must purge from our body, our mind, and our culture.

You are very strong in your word but I beg you to reconsider what you preach. I know you join many for what you think is just but I feel you all must truly judge youselves for what you really do. You must see that your actions are bull and you must see that your beliefs are bull. how can you base what you think upon so few a reference? I was once one of you and gained nothing! Now I have gained joyful LIFE. I no longer fear death or the afterlive. Nor do I need to even think of it. I have found the answer and his name is Christ. Do what you want otherwise. You will all know him personally soon enough. The choice is yours only. Each individual has his/her own choice. Fuck the ones who don't choose correctly. They don't deserve it in the first place. Fuck you.

at Saturday, April 14, 2007 0:11 AM from tiesofseven@xxx.xxx

our philosophical stance, is that we cannot divide our world into binary good/evil and justify our actions by choosing the "good" side and claiming to be on Christ's path. we do worship life, that is, life as a whole, including all of its nasty aspects such as death and sodomy. we're not really concerned about whether you find truth in Jesus or in drugs; if you believe that this world - this reality - is worthing fighting for, then we consider you to be an ally in the struggle for love and beauty.

however, if you're only one of those who gave up on life and joined a social club, to congratulate yourself for representing a "truth," not in accordance with the internal logic of this world, gulag's the next bus stop.

Acoording to many of your articles in the perspectives section, you say that Women have no choice but to stay at home and care for the children and family. Whilst this is completely true, what about education? Women who are to stay at home wouldn't be keen to undergo education since it's meaningless (actually it isn't, but that's the nautre of humanity at the moment)

Whilst i completely agree with your concept, the education portion needs to be explained in detail for more to be convinced.

at Saturday, April 14, 2007 3:33 AM from hexen_uamenti@xxx.xxx

personally i see the women's struggle from this perspective:

- christian patriarchy was silly, because it devalued the woman according to superficial morality
- modern feminism is a joke, because it believes the solution to the old problem, lies within liberation and "equality," which is an attempt to escape one's [biological] gender identity, not to preserve it

i don't think we need to keep women at home like caged animals, neither do i think they (same goes for men) are fit for all tasks in a community. it's an honour to be able to carry a child, to be that comfort and life-preserving force that always has been the characteristic of the woman. the old germanics, for instance, worshipped the woman as a life force, because they realized her protecting spirituality, that today is reduced to commercial exploation of the woman as a product, not as human being with dignity and self-respect.

women should also be able to educate themselves and engage in different forms of work, as long as it doesn't harm the family sphere and the children (same goes for men and their work). neither men nor women should place career or money before family. what we need is gender unity, not through equality, but by accepting our differences and embracing these to find common ground to stand on. different cultures will create different gender roles in society, but the most important thing is that we value the health of our children. they are they future, with or without modern dysfunction.

I have been reading Anus.com and the Corrupt forums for some time now and have gained much learning, inspiration and new perspective from all I have read.

So, I am interested to present some thoughts I had today, in the hope that I could get an outside perspetive on my ideas from someone who might understand what I am on about and be able to give some sort of valuable insight...

What I considered was this - What does nature tell me about the constant human question "Why are we alive?"

Unlike humanity nature does not plan for the future. It reacts consistently to what is happening in the present, cause and effect. For example, perhaps a tree extends a branch towards the sun because the chemicals in it's budding system react to the light. The tree does not consider the implications. If after extending this branch there is extreme cold and the new branch dies the tree is not remorseful of it's decision or fearful of repeating it's mistake, it simply deals with the situation as it is, and perhaps drops the branch to allow for new shoots next season. There is no success or failure. Whether death comes tomorrow or in fifty years is of no consequence.

I feel that Humans can also operate in this fashion, provided they deal with each situations intuitively, with honesty, and a clear mind (Something that Nihilism is a powerful tool in creating). If decisions are guided by ego, by self-deception or rashness then this is not in the essence of nature. I believe that much of the fault and perceived hardship in humanity comes down to this discrepancy.

So, back to my initial query. In nature's eyes there is no answer to the question "why are we alive?". This is a human question that suggests we exist for some future purpose, as nature does not recognize a future purpose the question is obsolete (except where it is interpreted in terms of cause and effect, but generally that is not the way humanity wants the question aswered). In nature there is only the present consciousness. If we master this way of living and relating to the world then we must surely transcend and defeat many of the problems and anxieties that plague the modern human condition.

I hope you can make sense of my proposition and give me some feedback from an informed Nihilist perspective.

Cheers and fears,

at Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:53 PM from sforceville@xxx.xxx

i'm glad to receive interesting ideas such as the one you present in your email.

nature does not operate by emotive or moral grounds, but by a myriad of constant effects - some would include cause here, but personally my view on the universe is based on continuity, thus no real "cause" outside of one effect leading to another.

"why are we alive?" - this is to say that there is some form of greater purpose with human existence, and existence in general, which from a nihilist perspective is an irrelevant question to pose. the nihilist asks him- or herself: "which meaning can i create for my personal existence?"

some would answer God, others Wotan. some would say "my girlfriend," others "art." but the nihilist stance is also a holistic one, which means it affirms our existence by existence itself. in other words: we're here to live. thus one can say there is a meta-aspect to our existence; a form of "higher purpose" that doesn't really exist, but nonetheless is appreciated by us humans as a gift, in the form of a human existence on Mother Earth. therefore it makes sense to love - not just the things that make our existence materially comfortable - but all of life and what it has to offer.

i'm not sure if this answers your question in a way that satisfies you. perhaps i cannot; maybe you need to find this answer within yourself. my concrete reply to the question "why are we alive?" is simply: "to be alive, and since that's all we can do for now, let's love this life and all that it contains within it."

hi, did you know your acronym is anus? you people are fucking wierd. nihilism will now be known as analism. Fuck you anus people. kill yourselfs. hail satan

at Monday, April 16, 2007 2:36 AM from n8_ba@xxx.xxx

'analism' would be an excellent term, as it suggests that we worship the ANUS (uncomfortable physical reality) as high as any other phenomenon (Democracy, Freedom, Justice, God). that is pure nihilism: to bypass morality and find meaning even in the things we regard as "horrible."


I'm a guy who has been a reader of this site for almost a couple of years, I share your point of view, even when I disagree with a few, but in general terms I think that this page is a great source of cultural info, and to share some ideas. Great reviews also.


at Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:22 PM from vaticano_666@xxx.xxx

Thanks for writing. It is a pleasure for us to write for people who aren't immediately antagonized by viewpoints that differ from their own. We do our best to present a vision of reality that we feel is reasonable and necessary based on our experience with it, and hope that other capable, like-minded people will grasp the impetus behind our work, be it metal-related or beyond.

If you have yet to do so, please visit www.corrupt.org, which is the "political" arm of the ANUS worldview. If you wish to contribute or have any further questions please contact us again.


Metal Director

I absolutely love this site. You guys are really getting your shit together. Your actualization of all the potential out there is inspiring. Radio NIHIL gets better with every week. I wouldn't mind contributing playlists if it's possible. I'm looking forward to the expansion of the Hall of History as well.

ANUS/Corrupt for life!

at Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:00 PM from ddelamar@xxx.xxx

we love to receive positive feedback from our readers and are glad you find our work meaningful.

radio NIHIL has become very popular among our supporters and the shows are spreading across bittorrent sites and filesharing networks like a blaze. the reason for the popularity is simple: we offer intelligent, compelling music, together with nihilist observations of the failures of modern society, and offer a possible alternative to the madness we see going on today.

more rooms and content is planned for our history hall, more radio shows are coming up; we will continue being the best place for nihilist and neoclassical studies. stay tuned!

April 19, 2007