FACTS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT Wicca, or "Craft of the Wise" has its roots in, perhaps the oldest known religion. A Goddess and the Horned God are the Deities worshipped. It is a matriarchal religion and, as such, the female principle is the main object of invocation and a High Priestess, as the Goddess' representative, resides over all the meetings of the coven which is a worship group of no more than 13 persons. The Goddess represents the fertility of Nature as well as rebirth into a new life(reincarnation). Among the Wicca, She is called by a secret name, one which is NEVER written and the meaning of which is known to a very few. Primitive man believed that to know the true name of a person, place or thing was to have power over that person, place or thing. For this reason, he jealously guarded his own name and those of his Gods. Today, the Wicca believe that, by keeping the name of their Goddess secret, they preserve, in their own minds, her powers which they alone(through their secret rituals) can invoke and use for the benefits of mankind. The god is a Horned god representative of hunting, Death, and "what lies beyond"(rest and peace while the soul grows young again to be reborn upon the Earth through the intervention of the Goddess). His Kingdom is the "Summer-lands" (from the Welsh 'GWLAD YR HAF' (Land of Summer)). In a sense this is a Western European version of the Amerindian "Happy Hunting Grounds." Within the scant mythology of the Wicca, it is said that he was once Supreme. Out of His great love for the Goddess, He resigned all His powers to Her, knowing that She would use them wisely and justly. The Wicca faithfullay believe that the Gods love man, especially when he is happy. And so, their rituals take the form of dance and song-happy expressions-a Celebration of Life! The gods are NOT all-powerful, and thus need the aid of man in order to help man. This aid takes the form of a special kind of Magick(very difficult to do at times) yet essential to the Mysteries of the Wicca. All Witches are Priestesses and Priests of the Gods. There is no congregation within the Craft; therefore, it is not a religion for everyone, but rather for a select few. The BOOK OF SHADOWS (so-called by modern Witches because of the great need for keeping this book hidden during the times of the persecutions in the middle ages) is the "ritual book" of the Wicca. It contains the directions for successfully performing the rites of worship and magick necessary for the attainment of enlightenment and knowledge. Coven meetings, or ESBATS, as they are called by Witches, are held at least thirteen times a year, at the time of each Full Moon. Most covens, however, meet from two to four times monthly. Their great festivals are eight in number and are called SABBATS or "Ritual Occasions." At these times, the coven meets to celebrate the seasons of agriculture and animal husbandry, they are as follows: SAMHAIN(HALLOWE'EN)-OCTOBER 31 YULE(WINTER SOLSTICE)-DECEMBER 22 IMBOLC(CANDLEMAS EVE, OIMELC, FEAST OF TORCHES)-JANUARY 31 SPRING(THE VERNAL EQUINOX)-MARCH 21 BELTANE(MAY EVE)-APRIL 30 MIDSUMMERS EVE-JUNE 22 LUGNASAD(AUGUST EVE)-JULY 31 AUTUMN(AUTUMNAL EQUINOX, HARVEST HOME)-SEPTEMBER 22 Worship is, nowadays, usually held indoors (although outdoor worship would be more appropriate, but in this day and age, almost impossible). This is done traditionally naked, which the Witches prefer to term "Sky Clad" (clothed in the sky). This comes from the belief that power is emanated from the body, and that clothing would hamper its emission and its collection within the circle(the temple constructed at each meeting to hold in the raised power until it is ready to be used by the Witches). There are, however, many Witches who disagree with this, saying(and logically so) that, if the power can travel great distances and go through walls, solid rock, metal, etc.(which it undoubtedly does, as I can attest to it doing so) then why would a thin layer of cloth prevent it from being released? These Witches usually worked robed. However, ritual nudity does have other purpoese. There is a great feeling of complete freedom induced by being ritually naked. Also, when one is within a group of people, naked and free, there is nothing to do by "be yourself" completely. There are no social barriers, no artifices-one is forced, so to speak, into being oneself, a human being with nothing to hide, like all other human beings, either male or female, like the Gods themselves. Nudity, in this sense, is a great equalizer. Many argue that this state will induce overtly sexual reactions. Will it? Does it? Some believe that nothing is more sexually arousing and erotic than a robe flying open in the heat of the dance, exposing a thigh or breast. They also believe that if all are naked from the start, after a few seconds, they don't even notice the bodies around them, and the minds become more concerned with what they are doing rather than who is doing it. Because of the dual sexuality in Nature, the Wicca always work from male to female, in couples, in order to bring the majority of natural power into play. Although most of us do not pry into the sexual preferences of our Brothers and Sisters, within the circle we INSIST upon a female-male atmosphere. The Wicca are not bogged down with bigotry (sexual, racial or otherwise). As all Pagans, bigotry is unknown, but we ARE the "wise-ones", and as such, wisely use as much as we have going for us. Mental and physical control is stressed to the utmost. There is a minimal age of 18 years required by all covens, unless the parents are members or give their full consent -- legal and written -- for the initiation of their child. This is as it must be according to the law of the land and, also, according to common sense. In the old days it was comon to bring your child up in your own faith, and this is still done in most religions today. But who are we to judge which is the correct path for our children in spiritual matters? Isn't it best to leave that decision up to the individual themselves, when they have reached the capacity to reason and understand the importance of the matter? Of course, in this day and age, reason and understanding are often reached well before the age of 18. But, in order to be sure, we keep to the standards set down by social law. No coven has any maximum age limit. Because of the nature of Wiccan Beliefs, only initiated members may attend meetings. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Each coven has a High Priestess and a High Priest (both of the Third Degree) who preside over the meetings, perform ALL INITIATIONS, and conduct coven affairs as well as train and teach other members of the coven. The other members of the coven are usually of the first degree. Each lends his or her power in serving and worshipping the Gods and performing magick. Those persons who aspire to the Third Degree, and are in fact, training to be a High Priestess or High Priest, are eventually given a Second Degree elevation which prepares them for the High Priesthood. There is no reason to elevate anyone to the second or third degree unless this is their goal; however, in some instance, those of long standing within the coven, whose words are considered very wise and who are often called in to council the High Priestess and High Priest in important matters, are given second and third degree elevations for their labors. These persons receive the title of "Elder of the Coven" and, as such, are very higly regarded individuals. Generally, a period of thirteen moons(one year and one day) are the minimal time requirements between degrees. For very special case, this may not be necessarily so-but this is the exception not the rule. Most covens find that it is often wise to keep this rule with those who are applying for membership, and will often correspond and meet with each applicant for this period befoe initiating them. In Wicca, we are taught patience and tolerance -- and patience and tolerance ALWAYS "pay off". As said before, not everyone is suited to the priesthood. While all may worship the Deities freely, less than one percent of the applicants are admitted into the Wicca. The Craft has never searched for converts, nor do we do so now. It is entirely up to those who seek for initiation to convince the coven that they are worthy and suited for the Craft. Without Perfect Love and Perfect Trust, no one is accepted into a coven, no matter what branch of the Craft it may be. These things are absolutely essential to the performance of the Rites in the correct way. Any other way would probably prove to be harmful to all involved. Once initiated, the Witch is not taught. The Rites have been set up to open the mind of the Witch(much as an hallucinogenic drug would) to the point where the Witch will realize his or her own capabilities and utilize them for the advantage of themselves and others. From there, the High Priestess and High Priest will help guide and advise to the best of teir abilities. All that is taught are the Rites and Rituals, from there, the witch is on his/her own. BRANCHES OF THE WICCA There are many different traditions or branches of the Wicca. These depend upon the original location of each coven's ancestors within the area known as Western and Insular Europe. Each is different in many ways-the way in which the rituals are performed, the wear (or lack of wear) within the circle, the language which is spoken within the circle, the system of training, the symbols used, etc. All are the same in that they honor the Deities of Nature, live by the philosophy of "Harm none and do what you will," believe in reincarnation, and have the knowledge of working a specific form of magick. There are many so-called "courses" on "How to become a Witch" ranging in price from a dollar to several hundred dollars, none of which are enlightening to the well read, nor do they reveal any of the secrets of the Wicca. For the curious, perhaps, they can be of benefit-for the serious, they are at most worthless, and more often than not, dangerous and inaccurate. The following are brief descriptions of the various traditions within Wicca: GARDNERIAN. A branch of Wicca deriving its name from Gerald B. Gardner who was initiated into a coven of Witches in the New Forest in Britain and who helped greatly in the advancement of the truth about Wicca by his love for it and his writings on the subject. It is inherently Celtic in origin encompassing rituals as practiced in Southern England. Ritual nudity is required at all times. TRADITIONAL. Many branches of the Craft which claim to be pre-Gardnerian. This covers a lot of territory, again depending upon the area of origination(i.e., Wales, Scotland, Ireland, etc.). Ritual nudity is sometimes equired. Some groups are strictly robed. ALEXANDRIAN. A branch in Wicca deriving its name from Alexander Sanders. This is a form of Gardnerian Wicca (rather, a form which "borrowed" much of Gardnerianism). It is very ceremonial, encompassing much of Quaballistic magick, etc. Ritual nudity plays a part but it is not required, the choice being left to the individual Witch. CONTINENTAL. This can be put under the heading of "Traditional," again depending upon origin (France, Germany, Spain, Basque, etc.). STREGERIA. This can be put under the heading of "Continental." It is Witchcraft as practiced in Italy and Sicily, each area of Italy and Sicily practicing according to their own folk-tradition. These are extremely secretive peoples, but much can be learned about them by reading Leland's ARADIA: THE GOSPEL OF WITCHES and Leo Martello's WITCHCRAFT: THE OLD RELIGION. HEREDITARY. Pockets of Hereditary Witches do exist in Europe and America, carrying on their family traditions. They are usually the most secretive, preferring to work alone or only within their families. Their form of Witchcraft is almost entirely different than what we know as Wicca. DIANIC. This branch of Wicca lay a great stress of the Goddess, sometimes entirely ignoring Her Horned Consort. I do not know much about them, but they seem to be similar to Gardnerian(or vice versa). Perhaps this was the original tradition that Gerald Gardner was initiated into. THE NEW REFORMED ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN. A neo-Gardnerian or quasi-Gardnerian group founded by a Californian named Aidan Kelly. They are a beautiful and idealistic form of the Wicca, constantly researching into our ancient heritage. AMERICAN-CELTIC. Perhaps the largest and fastest growing form of Wicca in America originating out of the Twin City area(Minneapolis-St. Paul). Their form is akin to Gardnerian, however, ritual nudity is not required by all of their covens. Two of the newest branches of the Craft are the SEAX-WICCA, formulated by Dr. Raymond buckland (formerly a Gardnerian), based upon the religion of the Saxons. It is a unique system which has eliminated the Degrees and operates upon a democratic level. Unlike other traditions, non-initiates are permitted at times to witness the rituals. The other of the two is simply called WICCA and was formulated by Edmund M. Buczynski from nine years of study and research into pre-Celtic and Celtic religions. It also is operated upon a democratic level. However, the three degrees have been kept as well as ritual nudity. Only initiates are permitted to attend meetings. There are many other groups, many are "underground" and shun any publicity. Most are small and isolated (like the BOREADS, a lovely tradition who call themselves the "children of the north wind"). The fact remains that all of these groups are legitimate representatives of Wicca in the world today. WELSH TRADITIONAL. This is a Celtic-derived tradition which incorporates the teachings and mythology and traditions of Ancient Wales. There is a large group at present in Georgia, California, and New York. MINOAN BROTHERHOOD AND SISTERHOOD. These groups are worshippers of the Cretan snake goddess whose holy priests and priestesses were historically homosexual. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood meet separately at the Esbats, but meet together at Sabbats. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS DO WITCHES WORSHIP THE DEVIL AND DO EVIL? No on both questions. The "devil" is purely a Christian concept, one would have to be a Christian to believe in it. Witches, being Pagans, do not believe in any "devil" so, logically, they do not worship it. As for doing evil, the Wicca know a basic truth-The Rule of Three(Karma). This Law states that, whatever one does will eventually return to the sender three-fold. Naturally, anyone in their right mind would want to do good so that good would return to them three times over. The question of doing evil, under these circumstances, is absurd and self defeating. WHAT DO TAROT CARDS, ASTROLOGY, SCRYING(CRYSTAL GAZING), ETC., HAVE TO DO WITH WICCA? These things, of themselves, have little to do with the actual rituals of Wicca. They are, however, often used successfully by Witches as a matter of personal choice. The Wicca, being members of a "Mystery" religion, often tend towards the occult side of things. Successful performance of "the Mysteries"(the Witchcraft Rituals) opens the mind of the Witch to many things not usually perceived in the course of daily life. The Wicca are taught from the beginning to use all avenues of knowledge and that which leads to it. WHAT ABOUT EXTRA-SENSORY PERCEPTION AND THE WICCA? As stated already, the Wicca are trained to develop all areas of knowledge, ESP being one of them. It is a known fact that all persons have these abilities; however, most people shun them and, as a result, get no chance to develop them. WHAT CAN I GAIN FROM THE CRAFT? Threefold what you put into it. To most of us, this means fulfillment. To all of us, this means a different and deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe around us. To others, a freedom of self-expression, a feeling of joy and a knowledge of the Love that pervades the entire universe. CAN I GAIN MONEY AND HAPPINESS IF I BECOME A WICCAN? It is much easier to go out and work for the money, and anyone can find happiness if they know where to look for it. Wicca is not a quick way to either money or happiness, although to those who are a part of it, happiness takes on a greater and deeper meaning. WHAT DO I DO IF THERE IS NO COVEN NEAR ME AND I WANT TO BECOME ONE OF THE WICCA? Witches believe that, in each life, those who were in the Craft in previous lives eventually return to the Craft in this life. If you are serious about joining a coven, you too will know this to true. If you believe this to be true, then you will instinctively know that NOTHING, let alone distance, will keep you from your people for very long. Therefore, correspond with the branch of your choice and be patient and tolerant. Eventually a way will be found. MUST THE BOOK OF SHADOWS STILL BE COPIED BY HAND, EVEN THOUGH THE PERSECUTIONS ARE OVER? Are the Persecutions over? What would your neighbors think of you if they knew that you were a Witch? How would they treat your children? When one enters the Craft, one soon finds out that the persecutions are not over, in fact, they are still going strong (although their methods are quite different than the Dark Age varieties). This is why the Wicca have kept the old laws of secrecy. Also, hand copying the Book helps one to become completely familiar with its contents. The Wicca today, generally have a typed copy of the Book for convenience in circle use(it is, of course, easier to read clear type), but they will still hand copy it in the old way so that they can absorb its contents. ARE DRUGS AND SACRIFICE USED IN THE RITUALS? Definitely not on both counts! Drugs were undoubtedly used in the old days, but then, it was not aainst the law of the land to do so, and one of the first things that a Witch learns is that he or she MUST live by the laws of the land. As for the sacrifice, the Wicca do not believe that it was ever used. If it was, it has not been handed down to us in the Book. A quick look at history will show that it wasn't the Witches who performed human sacrifices-it was their Christian oppressors who performed the murders. DO ALL COVENS WORK NAKED(SKY-CLAD)? No. Some work in robes, some work nude, and some work both ways according to what they are seeking to accomplish. WHAT DO COVENS REQUIRE OF A PROSPECTIVE INITIATE? All require hard work on the part of the individual. All require that the individual believes firmly in the religious tenets of Wicca. Plus, there must be a "oneness" or compatibility with all others within the coven. CAN ANYONE FORM A COVEN? Yes, anyone can. But they wouldn't necessarily be Wiccan. In most cases, they will find it difficult to stay together for a very long time. In many cases, they might find that they are doing more harm to themselves than good. The rituals of Wicca, although very simple, were ordained to be very exact for a purpose. To perform rituals without the proper training and knowledge, even if they are the correct rituals (which can never be gotten without initiation) would at least be disappointing and perhaps disastrous! There are many books that claim to be the true rituals of the Wicca. HOW MUCH WILL THE CRAFT COST ME? A lot of hard work and no money! If you have to pay for the Craft, it isn't the true Craft. You don't even have to buy your athame; in fact, it is preferable to make it yourself. Most members of a coven do, however, bring wine and cakes if they can. Some bring the candles and incense used in the ceremonies. Nothing is required of you, it just makes us feel better to share. WHY DO COVENS REJECT SO MANY APPLICANTS? Simply because the Craft is for a very special few. Sometimes there just isn't any more room in the coven. But most of the time, those rejected are just people looking for kicks and power out of loneliness or idle curiosity. The Craft of the Wicca is very serious business and immaturity, thrills, curiosity and boredom just don't fit.