+---------------------------------+ + + + * + + The Devil Files * + + * + + By The Blade * + + * + + A Neon Knight * + + ***** + + Presentation * + + + + + +-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-+ The Devil Files are a series of files written by The Blade on the topic of hell, satan, death, and destruction. Though The Blade seems like a sincere Devil worshiper, he is not. He is just interested in hell, satan, death, destruction, and morbid things in general. These series of files are not intended to offend anyone, that is if they do. Read with an open mind, because someday, it might happen. 666-666-666 The Devil Files 666-666-666 `$ R99 Numb: 56 Title:As I walk From: THE BLADE Date: March 20, 1985 Time: 7;57 pm As I come to the very gates of hell, I see the fire warming my enlightened face. The place where I belong, with my friends. I walk up to satan and I say, what be this, and what be that, and he says, "your gonna like it here" I was saying to myself that this sounded like a 'goto bermuda' commerical, but he heard my thoughts, and grinned. He said if I was hungry there's family masses, just toss the corn into the stove.... Then I exploded into sheer joy at the very thought of having burning flesh for dinner every night.... He gave me a box of Marlboro's, bless his burnt soul, I lit up, to my suprise, my hand was on fire, no need for a lighter any more, and I just tossed it into the seering stove that surroneded me. As I was smokin my butt, my friends started to waltz in. Overjoyed at their presence, I immediately shook their flaming hands, and still no pain had overcome me, it was like heaven. I asked Lucifier why this was, and he replied, 'you have been on the devils side for quite along time, worshiping the devils music' I thought to myself, hell, Metal got me to this great place... Hell was really Heaven after all, just do what you want in your life, then a constant good time in Hell will come to you. King Diamond Satan in the burning flesh Board 24: --------------------------------------- Numb: 67 Title:As I Stand From: THE BLADE Date: March 24, 1985 Time: 6;23 pm As I stand inside the very gates of hell, I realize now that I am the keeper of the gates. I decide who and who not to let in the great land of Upper Hell. I take a break, go down to the firey pits to laugh at the stupid soles who sinned only a few times. They look up at me in great despair, they are constantly burning, burning, not a moment of hope will come to them, unless I get them out. I see a young woman, the shadow of a lucious body I see between the flames. I reach my infinate arm down to grasp her from the boiling depths, as she clings to my arm like a poor beggar clings to his money. She looks at me with a story in her eye that says she will be my servant for all time. But there are no servants I say to her, and she knows that I know everything about everyone. I start walking away from the pits. She starts to follow. I yell 'who said to follow??' and I extend my great firey arm and throw her back to the pits of eternal flame. No one does until they are asked. Then I lit up my never ending pack of Marby's and return to the gates, reminasing about the moment of fun that I just had. KDSITBF Board 24: --------------------------------------- Numb: 73 Title:As I choose From: THE BLADE Date: March 30, 1985 Time: 6;47 pm As I choose who shall go in to these very gates of hell, I amuse myself by bringing false hopes to the sinners that have recently deceased. They walk up to the firey pits, because they have no choice. I look at their past life, and see who has belived in the almighty "GOD", and who hasn't. I see women who have worshipped god through out their lifetime, these people have been good, but have SINNED too many times for "GODS" liking. These women make me sick, so I make them burn, burn, burn in fire! Thou shalt not sin, BULLSHIT! why would anybody not want to have a job like mine. There has been a rumor around that Satan was going to send me down to be the next ANTI-CHRIST, of course I would jump to the occasion. Going up to earth, and having great mass GENOCIDE cover the earth, the thought of it is exciting, and devistating for those who are in its path. So as I chose those who shall go to upper or lower hell, I get taken away suddenly, by lucifer's great power, and he speaks...... * * * * * ***** * * Hell is the only way to go.... The Blade Board 24: Numb: 87 Title:As I return From: THE BLADE Date: April 5, 1985 Time: 0;22 am As Lucifer grants me the great privledge of becoming the next Anti-Christ, he sends me down to a strange american town. As I walk along the silent street, No one notices me any diffrently than anyone else. I have an unlimited money supply, any wish I have becomes reality. I obtain a residence to start the second coming of myself, the Anti-Christ. My name is Joeseph Lyocide. This small town soon weakens under my presents, but they do not know what death, destruction, and despair they and I will bring to this earth. I start a discuised club, the name of this club is The Knights of Manson. I lure them into my trap then put my spell over their virgin soles. I teach them to rape, pillage, destroy, and convert innocent people into Genocidal maniacs. Soon, the whole state, and surronding states of Nebraska have fallen under my spell, no one can stop me, millions are making other millions of people convert to The Knights of Manson. (The K of M). Soon 10's of millions are dead, the oneS that livJ a2e K ofEM's. Nothing can stop me..... Not even you. 666 The Blade (Anti-Christ under the flesh) Board 24: Numb: 99 Title:As I devistate From: THE BLADE Date: May 1, 1985 Time: 11;19 am As I devistate the central United States, I become God, or Satan to my followers. The Knights Of Manson cannot be defeated, now over 13 million are dead, and 63 million are members. I am their leader, they do what I say, if they don't, death will come to every member of their family. As I obtain Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, Kansas City, and Many other major central American cities, we now are an army. The United States government must surrender to my terms, or millions more will die. I must have compleate control over the armed forces, and make all decisions. They must agree, if they don't they will simply die. By now, I have control of the west coast too. Now the east coast is in my sights, but I see myself with the greed, so I slow. I get a secure grip on the people's brainwashed minds, so they are ALL on my side, if they are not, death is their twisted fate. Time and strength is on my side, the weak government must surrender to me, or GENOCIDE will strike the land, and my goal will be accomplished. I sit in my plush headquarters and wait...... the time WILL COME. The Blade Board 24: ------------------------------------- The Knights of Manson still are waiting for the government's decision, look for the file DEVIL6 coming to an ae or bbs near you. ------------------------------------- Call these NK AE/BBS's: 201-879-6668 pw-kill -The Metal AE 201-528-6467 pw-zandar -Zandar's AE 503-538-0761 pw-metal -Metaland AE 818-706-2054 pw-harris -Ms. Realitys AE -------------------------------------- The Devil Files (C)1985 By NK inc. --------------------------------------