$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$ Thievery $$$$ $$$$ for $$$$ $$$$ Common Thieves $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ by the $$$$ $$$$ Deep Red Zombies $$$$ $$$$ - - - $$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Ok fellow thieves I have been authorized to write this special phile on the art of stealing. In today's world you have to keep up with where to get free shit of your own so that's what this is for. Well so much for the intro onto the phile : ____________________________________MALLS______________________________________ these are the perfect places to go for quick merchandise I don't recommend taking things from the big department stores because most of them have cameras or some shit....the small stores can't afford them so go to them. All stores listed in this section are in most malls unless otherwise stated. 1. Record stores- Go to someplace like Hastings or Sam Goody...don't go to the Sound Warehouse down on the corner because there's only 1 door and most of em have electronic alarms ...and don't go in expecting to get albums unless the place is REAL crowded & you feel like a good run... well most of these stores have cassetes on sale that aren't in that damn plastic prison... pick out a few you like. Now the tough part. I suggest wearing a loose fitting long sleeve sweater or similar jacket. Take a cassette at a time & stick them up your sleeve or in an inside pocket (practice at home first)... but that's more obvious... then calmly walk out. Don't shove them down your pants or in your sox or something stupid like that. Now for albums: Pick out 1 or 2 even 3 at the most, kinda hold them at your side & slowly make your way to the front of the store. Make sure they're plenty busy checking people out so they won't be watching you. Now go up to the front and act like your looking at the new releases or something then casually walk out... Oh, forgot to say, don't try this if the place has 1 swinging door, you need a place with a wide open entrance. Another method that works good is to carry another bag into the store and slip whatever you want in it...they can't search your bags but if they do see something sticking out they can stop you... that's when you run like hell!! 2. Book stores- You got your music now all you need is that insanely overpriced 5.00 magazine and that 20.00 book--no problem--but don't take your other stuff in with you. Let your friend hold it or go put it in your car... the less you carry it around the better. Some suspicion arises with no bag or anything. Ok, all you need for this job is good timing and a calm look. Too many people I know go in & get so paranoid... they look around & around turn red and sweat wrong thing to do... a sure sign of a bad thief... they're just asking to get caught. You get a choice here: I prefer to go get the book first then a magazine but you can do it the other way, or you don't have to get a book or the mag. Now same as in the record store: go to the front by the mags or something and just mill around until they get a line of people up there or even better the person leaves the counter (which happens a lot) Then casually walk out & stash your stuff again or use the bag method again. 3. Toy stores- Haha. I know, but hey. I got some great toys for Christmas presents so shut up. Most of these stores have piles of toys as displays out in front in the mall. Casually walk up, act like your just looking around and when the checkers are all busy & tied up pick up what you want (maybe act like you're examining it) then walk off. Nothing easier 4. Middle stores- These are the little stands right in the middle of most malls. They sell shirts, specialty fones, and little misc. shit. The people who run these usually sit on one side or the other so it's realatively easy to go up and grab something & take off, but it's better if they're helping someone. Even better if that someone is on your side...intensionally distracting them. 5. Other- I wouldn't try to rip off those clothing stores because those shops are usually small & the employees watch closely. The other places in the mall where they sell cards and stuffed animals and shit are easily hit by using a nimble finger technique, otherwise known as pocketing. Practice at home every chance you get... don't go into a place & try to pocket if you've never tried before... it's a lot harder to fit things in than you think. The best thing to wear I have found is a Levi's jacket because the inside pocket are fucking huge, but not everything will fit in one. 6. Restaraunts- Not the el Chick-filet or Taco heaven, I'm talking about the one's where you go in, sit down, & order a meal. To get a free meal here takes a LOT of bullshitting and even more luck. The best thing to do is go in with another group of people, try not to attract to much attention to yourself (no grabbing the waitresses ass), & try not to let the same person seat you as the one for the people you came in with. Basically you want the cashier to think you came in with the other people & the person who seats you could say something. Now after you finish you have 2 options : 1) wait for the people you came in with. In this case get in front of them by about 15 or 20 feet & start talking with your friend and walk out. If they say anything tell them you parents are coming, quickly point back & keep walking. 2) Just get up and start walking out. Act like you've already paid. Talk to your friend about that new computer game & don't even look at the cashier unless she says something (you might want to say good-evening or something like that) but tell her you already paid at the table & the girl must not have brought the money up yet & keep walking. If all else fails RUN for the nearest exit. 7. Why this works- You might be saying, "No way, no one can just walk into a store, pick something up and walk out unnoticed", but you're wrong. You can. That is the kind of attitude everyone has that makes it possible. Who would think someone would come in, pick something up and leave as if they had paid for it? The people working at the store aren't thinking of people coming in and stealing something... they're just worried about selling. You just have to have the balls to go out and do it... not everyone does. They worry about getting caught and what'll happen. To be a thief you have to have no conscience (you don't need to be able to spell either), you have to be able to handle pressure extremely well, and the balls the size of basketballs. Remember to stay calm, cool & collective during all of this. Don't panic, get paranoid, or start to worry what'll happen. If you do, YOU'RE GONNA GET BUSTED!!! ________________________________Fast Food______________________________________ These are places like Mikki D's, Jack in the Crack, & Butthole King. In these places you can't pull an old eat an run cause you pay first, so other methods of food snatching are needed. First-->The Specialty Item Snag<-- go into McDonald's (the best place for this) & go up by the counter. Listen to other people order & watch. Wait for an item that they have to go make (like jumbo fries or x-tra lrg coke) then when you go up order 1 or 2 of those along with what you want (for there). Usually they'll put some stuff on a tray for you then go to make the special item. Now's your chance. Go for it: grab the food and run like hell. Second-->Konfuzed<--this works best late in the afternoon when they're tired &/or real busy. Go in and order some food (you really don't have to but it's best to), then sit and eat and wait a while. Then go up to the counter (hopefully full of people...so they'll be in a hurry to move you on) and tell them you ordered a such-n-such about 10 minutes ago & they said they'd bring it out & you haven't got it yet. They might refuse a couple of time but be persistent... start demanding your order. The manager might even come over, but don't be intimidated. Tell him what happened & that this kid won't give you your food. If questioned about the price or who took the order give them the good 'ol "I don't know, I forgot." Of course if none of this works you can always try to get fresh with one of the polyester queens behind the counter & see if she'll give you some free food. ______________________________Residential Areas________________________________ Robbing houses is a VERY serious offense, so unless you're absolutely sure about a place don't even attempt it. I don't really recommend going after a house early on. Wait until you've had some experience. But the rewards from just 1 house can be fantastic. To do this you have to have a vehicle, preferably a truck of some sort (to haul more) with a cover & it has to be fast so don't pull out your mom's station wagon. It won't work. (it might offer an advantage though: who would rob a house in a SW? but real risky) To find a house takes some time... listen to all conversations. Who's going out of town for the holidays or spring break? Is your WHOLE family going? Start a conversation about security systems (ie: Well, we have an ultra- sophisticated model...do you have one ?) Try not to make this obvious, just casual talk. Now look up their address in the fone book if you don't know it. Go check out the house... try to snoop around as much as possible. Even look at the neighbor's houses (where are the windows. Could they see me if I crawled in that window) Pretend to be the meter reader & look around back. Are there dogs or other pets? How about the neighbor's pets? It would be perfect if there was an empty house behind theirs so you could park back there. Also, see if the kid will say anything about hidden valuables. You can also tap the fone for more info. Ok, they went to the big party downtown or they're out of town whatever as long as the place is empty. The best time to go is about 3 o'clock. Anytime before 1:30 AM is too early & after 4:30 too late. Park down the street a ways & slowly sneak up to the house. Take care of any neighborhood pets...muahahaha. Don't spend your time looking for a key. Check a couple of windows (esp. bathroom & kitchen). If none are open check the door locks... can they be taken apart? If they can whip out your tools & pop the lock off. If not you have to break in... pull out either a big brick or a glasscutter (get one at hardware store) & do your stuff. Try not to make too much noise. Once inside search the house for stuff... go for the 3 main rooms : mom & dad's room (look for jewelry mainly), living room (stereo, video equipment), and game room (t.v.). Run a quick check through other rooms. Don't waste too much time. As you do all of this try to gather all the stuff as near to the entrance to the garage as possible. Once done go back out & get your vehicle (you could have done this immediately after entering the house) if you have a friend he can stay and open & close the garage for you after you back in. (you may want to remove your plates before this just to be safe) If the garage is full skip the last step and go on to load up. Now before you leave make sure everything is as it was (the garage door closed & certain lights on/off) Then get the hell out. Oh don't spend your time on some heavy shit just get in & get out. Now you can keep the shit or sell it for mondocash. ______________________________Car Accessories__________________________________ This ain't how to steal cars, just the accessories. Well if you must know here's a condensed version of car theft : 1) find car 2) pull out slim jim (found at autoparts store) or big brick 3) hotwire 4) take off. Ok back to the business at hand... a car's wheels. For this you need 4 blocks to set the car on (3 or even 2 can be used after practice) or if you're lucky the car might sit high enough to pull the jack out, a lug wrench (I carry 3 or 4 different sizes just in case), a jack, and maybe a screwdriver. After you find a car... usually in a parking lot or something... park your car as close as possible. Jump out and check it out... does it have locks? You'll know what locks are if you see 'em. If that's what you want then get busy losening the lugs (it helps to have 3 or 4 friends) don't worry about the locks just leave them. Be sure to keep watch out for people. When they're all lose (or even before if you have some friends to work on them) you have get the locks off. The best way to me is to get the key which is probably in the car. Pull out the old slim jim but try not to use the big brick unless you're really secluded. Another thing to do is pull out the blade screwdriver & push it into the lock as far as it will go. Now turn, get everyone to help. If you're lucky the lock will break, turn, and the door will unlock. Now most people I know put their key in their glove compartments, others in a side pouch or some other opening. The key usually looks like a small silver cylinder with a pattern on one end: this fits into the lock. Undo the locks & jack up the car. Pull off the wheels, put the blocks under the car, pull out the jack, & take off. Oh while you're in the car you can also pull the stereo & speakers which can bring an x-tra 100 or 150 bucks. Speakers are really easy to take out...most just screw in, but if they're mounted on the rear dashboard you might have to open the trunk or go through the back seat. Once you reach them unscrew them & they'll fall right out. On the other hand stereos can be a real bitch. I once tried to pull one from a Firebird & I had to take out the whole a/c tube on the drivers side to get it. Most stereos you have to take off the front plate & knobs then reach behind (rip out whatever's in your way... it's not your car) & pull the stereo out. But all are different: you just have to examine everyone's radio to see how it's installed... so take a wide range of tools with you. Radar detectors are an easy 50 bucks but finding a car with 1 is a bit hard. Most people pull them out & stuff them under the seat when they go into work. But if you do find one fuck the quiet shit... pull up close, take out big brick & smash that damn window, then reach in an grab the thing an take off. I suppose I must mention alarm... which are a major pain in the ass... any of the above methods would set off an alarm, however if you were getting a radar it wouldn't matter because you'd be in & out soo fast. Since alarms are so varied I cannot give a sure way to disarm them but I can say to look at everyone's that you know... find out where it hooks up & where it gets it's power. Some hook up to a car's horn & by crawling under a bit you should see it just cut all the wires leading to them (usually 2) also look for a separate siren which is often used too... cut its wires too. If you can't find the alrm, or the horns, or a siren but you want to be sure I guess you could always crawl under and whack the battery's cables but there's enough power there to seriously wound you so you've been warned. _________________________________Carding_______________________________________ I'm sure by now everyone out there nows the basics of carding but there's also a lot of shit going around too. People think they're experts at it... haha. Some guy reads a phile that's probably 2 or 3 years old, injects a few new words in it (ie. awesome, rad) & says "oh yes this is the way to card." If he knew anything at all he would know that almost all those methods are outdated. Well I'm here to inform you of carding here in the present--12/20/87. First off going out when some store closes & digging in the garbage is out. Nowdays the stores protect their garbage in high pressure compactors or behind 20 or 25 feet fences (no shit...1 store actually does that) And when people go to restaurants they aren't so liberal with carbons anymore... every one I see tears them up into itsy-bitsy pieces, then rubs them up real good, wads then up in a napkin and spits on them. Also nowdays more & more stores are starting to use carbonless copies which make only 2 copies : 1 for the store & 1 for the customer--no carbons. I know Target uses this so don't waste your time there. Also I saw in some store (can't remember which one) a carbon that rips in half when the copies are pulled. Another bummer are these stores with their own cards (ie. Foley's, Macy's, Dillards) One good thing though is that these big department stores are hiring younger employees. This means that they're a little more careless with carbons. (I swear this is true. I found my first carbon lying between 2 clothes racks in the middle of the floor) In today's world you have to know someone that works at a carbon store or you must go carbon shopping. I have prefer this method & it's very easy. Go to a department store (Macy's or something) even though it does have it's own card you have a better chance than sneaking into the back room where the garbage is locked up. Take a friend or 2. Now walk around the store until you find a counter that doesn't have a back. Where you can freely move behind the counter without suspicion. If someone is standing there get your friends to distract them or something while you go behind and casually look in the trash can. Usually the can'sst sitting on the floor or right inside the counter. Now there should be at least one there if not try someplace else. Also a good thing to do is wait for the trash people to come by. They wheel around a large cart for all the trash. Most of them just dump the stuff right on to. Wait till the lady turns around then grab all the carbons you can. Now about checking these #. Most stores have a little machine they run the card through that checks it for them... hardly any use the voice verification any more & going up to copy about 15# is VERY risky. Although if you need the bank & merchant #'s I know Toys R' Us & little stores use them haven't got any or I'd give 'em to you. Also about the fone and address when you order: if it's a small co. don't worry: give the address and any fone # if it's a med. sized co. then give them the address (they won't question) and find a fone # that's either busy or rings all the time (they might call check if they suspect something) as far as I know this # rings all the time 713-654-2580. If it's a lrg size co. then give them the address & busy/ring # & you might tell them that you recently moved from such-n-such address (look it up in the fone book) One last thing when ordering to a house that's for sale watch out for realators. (another story. I put a note on the door for UPS and I also got a little sold sign to put on the for sale sign, the realator came by, got extremly pissed, ripped down the sign & note & even called the cops. I know this because I was across the street inside another vacant house). Just remember to stay calm... like the commercial says : never let them see you sweat! ___________ DISCLAIMER=\ ============\ All you pussies out there that go out and get caught doing this stuff---that is for informational purposes only---don't blame me. It was your own ignorance & illiteracy that got you busted because everything was there so you wouldn't get caught......you don't even deserve to be called a thief... just an asshole. t h ( e ) \ / Dark One D / \ / /R \ / / Z \||/ / rule \ __||__ --||--