How to fuck up some losers car or truck the cheap and easy way... 1. Pour some sugar down the tank. You don't need to put much in to do some damage. It fucks up his fuel intake system to where it should blow the car hood off. 2. Blowing out his tires. You take a door stop and ram some nails through it so that the pointed ends stick out of one side of the wedge. Don't make them stick out to long cuz they will bend and won't work. If you do this you should make at least 3 or 4 of them so that he has no way of going anywhere soon. You just stick the wedge with the nails sticking up up close to the tire {not to close cuz it might not work so they will puncture all the tires.. 3. Reverse His Polarity. This is rather easy to do and still does some major shit to his car. All you have to do is switch the negative wire on the battery to the positive and vice versa. This should blow the engine out and fuck up the electrical wiring. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------