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First, You need to get some reprints I go to (BookStop) Bookstore. If you don't have a BookStop near you try B.Dalton or Walden's or any other book store close by. Just go in and ask for the books with the baseball Cards in them or just go to hobby section these books run about $3.00 apiece there are 2 different book's making it $6.00 got it jerk off. GOOD! 2. Second, Tear out one card that you think is worth a lot, and if you don't know go out and buy a price guide at a local bookstore. i.e. (sports card trader) look for the most expensive in that year. anyway enough of that now tear the card out that you want from the reprint book you bought earlier now take a eraser and erase a Dover reprint real good do not scratch service. *OPTIONAL* 3. Third, Go to kwick copy or somewhere else that has a double side color copy machine stick the card in and ask them if you can stick your own paper in (Get cardboard paper the kind that has two rough sides NOT the kind that has a rough side and the glossy side. If you can't find it then cut up a old board game box or something like that you get the idea remember no glossy shit on the paper) now get a few copies if you don't want to do this process the card will be o.k. and you can sell to one of your dumb as shit baseball card junkie nerd friends if you don't do step 3 then you can't sell to more experienced higher paying adults and card dealers. 4. Fourth, This is the phun part have your zerox double side color copy or your regular reprint handy. Now get a coffee bag or a tea bag handy take a bowl big enough for the card to lay flatly in it and fill it with hot water put either of the two bags in there ( I prefer tea) and let it strain for about in hour or until water is a dark color now take the chosen card and place it flatly on the tea or coffee and let float on the picture side for just a second now on the back side with all the writing on it and dip it for about ten seconds in tea (If you use coffee let it set in about 5 second, because it is darker,heavier stain.) Let it dry on paper towels. If card when dry is a little wrinkled put it between 2 heavy books or in a flat sided vise. 5. Fifth, And most important. Now your done how to sell like I said earlier sell to a fucken dumb as shit loozer baseball card phreak. If you don't make a copy that is as far as you will go. On the other hand if you make the copy you might be able to pull it off in selling it in a card show or flea market sell to the kids working behind the booth their a lot more gullible than adults. It's important to keep it in a hard plastic sleeve which can be bought at card show for about $1.00 if you are to jeep to buy one you can use in old frame whatever you choose will work (I prefer hard plastic sleeves) this process is important because you do not want the buyer to touch. The card may not feel to real, But they sure look real. Once you sell casually walk away and don't go back to that both or the jerk off you sold the card to for about a month, If he comes to you and says this isn't real lye and say I didn't no sorry. If he demands is money back say you already spent and leave and if he still bugs ya just pound is ass into the ground when you sell lye when the guy ask for his money back lye. This whole operation is just one big lye-a-thon. If you want a 100% copy of the real thing go to local baseball card store and look at the same you picked out and compare take notes don't be embarrassed you're gett- ing a buttload of money. Caution do not sell for a high price sell them dirt cheap the buyer will buy right away and you won't have to go thru the process of testing it's authentic value and stick with faking early 19 hundred card the higher the year the more unrealilistic it will look. I.E.(If the card is worth 200 buck sell for $20-30 bucks.) If the guy asked why such a good deal which he usually won't if he's smart but anyway tell him you really need money now and fast. If he still can't decide tell him someone else wants to buy it and since I like you better I will give you first offer, and if he still doesn't kick his ass and take his wallet! *METHOD 2* 1. Have you ever heard of misprints? probably not if you don't collect baseball cards. Anyway I will tell you how to make misprints. First you need to take any two cards baseball, football, basketball, or hockey. I would recommend (tops) cards the most or any other kind with the same texture (regular cardboard) Do Not try to use (Sky Box, Upper deck, Action pack, Fleer, or Pro set) Next after you have your two cards take one peal it in two. This is hard to explain you need to stick your fingernail in the corner and peel it apart so It makes 2 thin slices it should be like this you made 1 card 2.(Now That card should be a picture and a blank back and statistics with a blank front) Do this with both cards. 2. Take your 4 pieces of cards and glue card 1's front to card 2's back and then take card 2's front and glue it to card 1's back. NOTE DO NOT USE SUPER GLUE it eats thru cardboard use a thin layer of rubber cement and glue the peace's together now you have 2 misprints I.E (Jose conseco's face will be on the front and Dave Windfield's statistics on the back.) Experiment with different glues to see which one works the best.After you glue if you find bubbles put it between two books or in a flat sided vise. After your done trim the sides nice and even with scissors or for better results you those big paper cutting boards you see at school. Alright, so you decide to do it cool. I have sheared with you all of my knowledge on this one topic. go out and do it there is no disclaimer on this I don't believe in them there for pussy wimps. This is so fuck- ing awesome I have gotten $50.00 already from this it's so sweet to see money any time I really need it. Which is better than carding cuz you get cash instead of item's which now you can buy legally with your new talent if you get caught in carding your talking jell time buddy, but with this you can just lye and say I didn't know someone sold it to me for that price. this will also work on other sport cards if you can find the reprints if so let me know. MY GOAL to have a bad circulation of cards going around in the system. Any question, any comment, let me know how much money you have made Call and leave me mail on Your Welcome this The Dead Animal A/E 1-713-242-8028 text phile was a Doomded for Destruction 1-713-467-0403 pain in the ass to wright, but your Best Wishes, ProFile worth it I THINK! *Look for future philes from me I.E.* 08/05/91 BOOK OF DIRTY TRICKS 3:45 A.M. HOW TO MAKE AN AWESOME BOOZKA HOW TO GET FREE COMPACT DISKS (C.D.'S)